03 October 2007

You said it's very traditional??

Well..it's not a kind of traditional clothes of my country..Its not a type of clothes like 'kimono' from japan or 'cheongsam' from your hometown.

It is an icon of my identity. Every woman in the same faith with me should have the way of dresses like this. Dont u learn about many faiths in ur school? Dont u know many kinds of beliefs in this world? What did u learn??

It's not traditional, anyway. I am not a traditional woman. I am a moslemah.


Dewi said...

Loh.. kenapa fif? dibilang tradisional mah masih mending fif.. gue disangka ga punya rambut..


rumahmonopoliku said...

loh dew..justru gue sebelnya..dia nggak tau apa2 gitu..masa mikir ini pakaian daerah...gue spt ini kan bukan krn pakaian daerahnya indo..emang sama kyak konde apa :p huehe..mosque ajah nggak tau cobaaa..huhu...sebbel...makanya gue bilang dia nggak belajar apa di sekolahnya macem2 agama :p